Bulk Up

  • $225.00

Goats under 45lbs and lambs under 90lbs: Feed 1 scoop per feeding. Once over these weights you may feed a second scoop for maximum results (optional).
Cattle under 1000lbs: Feed 2-3 scoops per feeding.
Cattle over 1000lbs: Feed 3-4 scoops per feeding.

Pair with rigorous exercise once animals are in adequate flesh. Additional scoops may be fed to maximize shape, expression, and muscle growth.

What’s in here and why?

•Whole egg powder as a complete source of amino acids and quality fat
•Coconut and MCT oil as top tier fat sources with high absorption and partial rumen bypass properties- no soft fat and easy on the gut
•Whey protein concentrate for highly available protein
•Gamma oryzanol and polycosanol to dramatically increase muscle shape and expression
•Whey for dense carbohydrate content
•Dried molasses for added palatability
•Diatomaceous earth for immune support, hoof and hide health, reduced parasite load and minimized manure odor

How long will this last me?
(Divide these amounts by the number of animals you will have on feed to calculate the total days product will last)
One lamb or goat
5# Bulk Up: 90 days

One steer or heifer
5#: 30-45 days, depending on weight
10#: 60-90 days, depending on weight

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